Starting from:


Intro To Recording With HX Stomp & Helix Pt. 4_A

Lesson 4 _A


Here are the biggest and most important videos in this whole course. This is the part of the course that will get you up and running recording for others! Having a side hustle of recording yourself for others can be crucial in todays world. Starting this conversation can be a little intimidating, in this Lesson pack I break it ALL down for you and make it super easy to get started. I talk technical specs, how to talk cost of recording, how to understand what the producer/client is "TRYING" to say. 


* How to start the conversation about offering your services to remote record. 

* How to discuss the project and what the producer/client is looking for.

* What to ask for from the Client/Producer

* Starting your career of recording from home! (How to talk price and cost)

* How to sound like a seasoned pro!